Attain Greater Self-Awareness Through Spiritual Journaling

How many of you hear someone talking about keeping a journal and cringe at the thought? Or perhaps you have started and re-started several times, without much progress. Even though I am in the “start/re-start” crowd, I encourage you to consider – or reconsider - Journaling. You may ask, “Brother Neville, why should I keep … Continue reading Attain Greater Self-Awareness Through Spiritual Journaling

Following God’s Plan to Crush Your Goals

Brother Neville, should I have a plan or just trust God? Many Christians believe that pursuing our goals goes against certain Christian beliefs and counteracts whatever plan God has in store for us. On the contrary - Scriptures encourage us to pursue our goals and achieve success. Consider these passages from the Bible: Jeremiah 29:11 … Continue reading Following God’s Plan to Crush Your Goals