“Five Good Tips” – Thought for Today, 6/20/2024

Practical Steps for a Healthy Life Routine: Balanced Diet: Nourish your body with wholesome foods, remembering that moderation is key (1 Corinthians 10:31). Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, honoring God with your strength (1 Timothy 4:8). Adequate Sleep: Prioritize rest, recognizing that our bodies need rejuvenation (Psalm 127:2). Mental Health: Cultivate … Continue reading “Five Good Tips” – Thought for Today, 6/20/2024

“Of Ice and Men (with apologies to John Steinbeck)” — Thought for Today, 6/4/2024

Of Ice and Men I have been thinking about ice lately. Not so much about the substance itself, but rather how I take it for granted, and how much water we use just to make it. Then, when we're finished with our drinks how much ice is just dumped into the sink? I know it's … Continue reading “Of Ice and Men (with apologies to John Steinbeck)” — Thought for Today, 6/4/2024

“Neville, Neville, you’re too darn busy……” — Thought for today, 6/3/2024

BEING vs DOING In our fast-paced world, the pressure to do more and achieve more is relentless. We measure our days by how much we accomplish and our worth by our productivity. Yet, in the midst of this ceaseless activity, we can lose sight of the essence of our faith: our relationship with God. The … Continue reading “Neville, Neville, you’re too darn busy……” — Thought for today, 6/3/2024

“Now THAT is beautiful!” – Thought for Today, 5/29/2024 (click for video)

I like to take pictures and I'm always on the lookout for things of beauty. Lately the flowers have been in bloom and I've had a grand time taking and posting pictures to social media. I've been watching the magnolia tree next to our fellowship house and was looking for blooms yesterday when I noticed … Continue reading “Now THAT is beautiful!” – Thought for Today, 5/29/2024 (click for video)