“Five Good Tips” – Thought for Today, 6/20/2024

Practical Steps for a Healthy Life Routine: Balanced Diet: Nourish your body with wholesome foods, remembering that moderation is key (1 Corinthians 10:31). Regular Exercise: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, honoring God with your strength (1 Timothy 4:8). Adequate Sleep: Prioritize rest, recognizing that our bodies need rejuvenation (Psalm 127:2). Mental Health: Cultivate … Continue reading “Five Good Tips” – Thought for Today, 6/20/2024

“Of Ice and Men (with apologies to John Steinbeck)” — Thought for Today, 6/4/2024

Of Ice and Men I have been thinking about ice lately. Not so much about the substance itself, but rather how I take it for granted, and how much water we use just to make it. Then, when we're finished with our drinks how much ice is just dumped into the sink? I know it's … Continue reading “Of Ice and Men (with apologies to John Steinbeck)” — Thought for Today, 6/4/2024

“Now THAT is beautiful!” – Thought for Today, 5/29/2024 (click for video)

I like to take pictures and I'm always on the lookout for things of beauty. Lately the flowers have been in bloom and I've had a grand time taking and posting pictures to social media. I've been watching the magnolia tree next to our fellowship house and was looking for blooms yesterday when I noticed … Continue reading “Now THAT is beautiful!” – Thought for Today, 5/29/2024 (click for video)